Speaking in Tongues

Directed by Jhi Rayner Two couples set out to betray their partners, a husband doesn’t answer the phone, a man picks up a woman from a mysterious back road, a long-lost lover emerges from the past, and commitment issues lead to an empty pair of shoes on the beach. Written by Andrew Bovell, Speaking in […]
Short, Sharp, Silly

By Natasha Shimpf and Keeden Hendriks Money controls their world. The boss man makes you work no matter what. And a heart attack is shared between a family. Inspired by the works of Punch and Judy and the style of commedia dell arte, two performers showcase ridiculous moments of violence, love, loss, friendship, connection and […]
Laughs and Lies

By Jhi Rayner and James Weir The ridiculously over the top comedy of two competitive Australian mates Frank and Larry sitting on the edge of the river, drinking beers, and telling stories of how their week has been. Not to be bested by the other, they each try to one-up each other, telling stories that […]

By Jhi Rayner and Natasha Shimpf Two boxes are strangely placed in a window. No-one knows why they are there, and fewer still notice when they start to move, and the marionettes come to life. As the two puppets begin to leave the safety of their boxes for the world, they discover the losses, wonders, […]

By Jhi Rayner Lights up. A single spotlight stretches in the darkness. Sitting atop a pedestal in golden glory is a collection of leather bound stories. Memories. In a land of paper, the pages are turning and there is no saying what will come out. You haven’t seen it before. You won’t see it again. […]